Working with Wisdom - Workbook

Working with Wisdom - Workbook

by Mildred A. Martin
Current Retail Price: $5.00
Used Price: $2.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy
Make Proverbs come alive for the children in your home, church, or school! Here is a character building collection of lively, inspirational stories. Each chapter explains and illustrates a passage from the book of Proverbs, along with a story based on true life experiences.

Follow the four "Miller" children as they learn great truths of life and wisdom: sometimes through their parents' stories, and sometimes the hard way! Will father's prayer keep his family safe from the burglar? Why did Timmy get a bloody nose at the family reunion? And what is the sad story behind their mother's wooden stool? Read about these, and twenty-two other exciting stories.

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