Wisdom and the Millers

Wisdom and the Millers

Proverbs for Children

Miller Family Series
by Mildred A. Martin
2nd Edition, ©1994, ISBN: 9781884377143
Trade Paperback, 159 pages
Current Retail Price: $7.00
Used Price: $3.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Make Proverbs come alive for the children in your home, church, or school. Here is a character-building collection of stories by an Amish Mennonite author. Each chapter explains and illustrates a passage from the book of Proverbs with a story.

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  Wisdom and the Millers
A Mom of USA, 8/30/2020
We lo-o-ove The Millers books. My 6-year-old daughter just came in to tell me she finished this book because she reads it at bedtime. I am so proud of her. She finished her first novel! The Miller’s books are like fiction but devotionals. The foundational teachings support godliness and parenting. Although I’m sure this wasn’t the intent, we nearly howl every time we get to the spanking sentences: “I’m glad you told us the truth. Now we don’t have to spank you.” Or “Why was she a bad child in the store?” “Her parents probably don’t spank her.” Now, this is a hilarious truth to us, but believe me, this book is packed with serious wisdom based on Scriptures your child can read in the story. Great reminders and you will learn something. We love it. We are a black family and we do cover our head but you don’t have to cover to read well-delivered devotionals. Goodness, I bought more of these and highly recommend them if you want another way to support your faith at home. I haven’t read them all, but we like this one. I would recommend an older age like 8 for this book though.