Shadow of the North

Shadow of the North

A Story of Old New York and a Lost Campaign

by Joseph A. Altsheler
©1917, Item: 86958
Library Rebind, 358 pages
Used Price: $6.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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This book sequels a title called Hunters of the Hills. You can listen to that for free here!


Here is another exciting story of the French and Indian War. Robert Lennox, the hero, and his friends David Willet and Tayoga, the Onondaga, ar scouting in the wilderness of western New York. They learn that the war is on in dead earnest, but brave in the face of any danger, these men stop at nothing where the welfare of their people and homes is at stake.

They have many thrilling encounters with the French and Indians, and throughout the story there are many incidents where their courage and fearlessness are tried to the utmost, but their determination to win never wavers.

The scenes in the story are taken from carefully-studied historic accounts of the period, and the picture of social life in Old New York in the middle of the eighteenth century is nowhere more delightfully drawn.

Among the famous historical characters who appear in the story are Sir William Johnson, young Joseph Brandt, Governor de Lancey of New York, Governor Dinwiddie of Virginia, and young George Washington. The story ends with a thrilling description of Braddock's defeat.

from the dust jacket

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