Guns of Thunder

Guns of Thunder

Faith and Freedom Trilogy #1
by Douglas Bond
Publisher: P&R Publishing
Trade Paperback, 261 pages
List Price: $14.99 Sale Price: $12.74

Historical Setting: Mid-18th Century Connecticut

The M'Kethe clan finds itself in pre-Revolutionary War Connecticut weathering a storm of religious and political upheaval. Ian M'Kethe is forced to make a choice in the face of enormous odds, as tensions mount between the colonists and the French with their Indian allies. Forging an unlikely friendship with Watookog, an Indian, Ian risks everything and gains something he thought he had lost forever.

The Faith and Freedom Trilogy, sequel to the Crown and Covenant Series, chronicles new generations of the M'Kethe family who find freedom in 18th century America. Adventure is afoot as Old World tyrannies clash with New World freedoms. Douglas Bond weaves together fictional with historical figures from Scottish and American history.

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