Cycle of Rice, Cycle of Life

Cycle of Rice, Cycle of Life

A Story of Sustainable Farming

by Jan Reynolds
Publisher: Lee & Low Books
Trade Paperback
Current Retail Price: $10.95
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Historical Setting: India

On the island of Bali in Southeast Asia, rice farming is a way of life. The people live in tune with the natural rhythms and cycles of the water and the soil. Ingrained in their community and culture, rice farming connects them to the land and one another.

Balinese farmers have planted rice using an intricate system of water sharing and crop rotation for more than a thousand years. Intertwined with their spiritual, social, and day-to-day lives, this system has made Bali a leading producer of one of the world's most important crops. And because Balinese rice farming respects the balances of nature, it serves as a remarkable

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