Portrait of a Farm Family

Portrait of a Farm Family

by Raymond Bial
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Hardcover, 48 pages
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Five and five. At five o'clock every morning and five o'clock every evening the fifty-five cows on the Steidinger farm are milked. Afterwards they are fed and watered, then there are the calves, cats, and chickens to feed, eggs to gather, and crops to plant, cultivate, or harvest. A dozen chores, day in and day out, are part of life for a farm family. But it's not all work; there is the satisfaction of self-sufficiency and life lived independently for both Dennis and Jane Steidinger and their eight children.

It is becoming increasingly hard for a family farm to survive, but by careful planning, economies, and the cooperation of family members, the Steidinger family is heading toward its fourth generation on the farm. Telling their story in both words and spirited photographs, Raymond Bial portrays both a way of life and the individual lives of a farm family.

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