Little Rebel Becomes a Saint

Little Rebel Becomes a Saint

Publisher: Grace & Truth Books
Revised, ©1990, ISBN: 9781583390566
Trade Paperback
Current Retail Price: $6.00
Used Price: $2.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Charles, a rambunctious orphan, is adopted by a wealthy older couple, but it quickly becomes clear that his adoptive father, Mr. Raymond, is a very ungodly man, while Mrs. Raymond is a devoted Christian woman.

Throughout Charles' childhood, Mrs. Raymond patiently but firmly trains Charles in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, as he struggles to learn the ways of the Lord. Charles constantly finds himself tempted to many disobedient behaviors. Through the trials, blessings, and lessons of Charles' life, children learn many truths about walking with God and resisting the temptations that arise out of the evil in our own hearts.

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