Little Daisy & the Swearing Class

Little Daisy & the Swearing Class

Publisher: Grace & Truth Books
Revised, ©1990, ISBN: 9781583390542
Trade Paperback
Current Retail Price: $6.00
Used Price: $3.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Gentle Daisy's parents were supposed dead from a disaster at sea while she was very young. Though she now lived in an ungodly home, Daisy didn't forget her upbringing in the Lord. While selling flowers on a street corner, her childlike rebuke brought General Forster to see the sin of taking God's name in vain, and he eventually even adopts the sweet child. Daisy teaches young and old the downfalls of breaking the third commandment, while the Forsters search for the true parents of the apparent orphan.

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