Chester the Worldly Pig

Chester the Worldly Pig

by Bill Peet
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Trade Paperback, 48 pages
List Price: $9.99 Sale Price: $8.49

Chester is determined to be more than bacon and sausage. He follows a traveling circus, hoping that his trick of balancing on his nose will get him a chance to be in the spotlight. He gets the attention of the circus master, but instead of being able to star in his balancing act, he is instead forced to dress up in a baby costume and parade around in a stroller with a clown. Being a sausage is pretty bad, but being dressed up as a baby is pretty bad too. Chester once again runs away, but what with hobos, bears, and a wild train chase, it seems like he’ll never get a chance to show off his skill to the world. But when someone discovers Chester’s hidden ‘worldliness’, he may yet fulfill his wish to perform.


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