Ant and the Elephant

Ant and the Elephant

by Bill Peet
Publisher: Sandpiper Books
Trade Paperback, 46 pages
List Price: $9.99 Sale Price: $8.49

The elephant is the kindest animal in the jungle, rescuing the giraffe, lion, and rhino, but who will return the favor when the elephant needs help?

In this remarkably readable book, Bill Peet captures such an important lesson of life through his straightforward writing style and exceptional artwork. The story suggests that while one's physical size might not matter all that much, perhaps the size of one's heart does. And you can never be too small to help someone else. This is certainly a wonderful lesson for children of all ages—toddler or adult.

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Summary: A kind-hearted elephant rescues all the animals along his path—and then needs help himself.

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  The Ant and the Elephant
Big Man Bo of Conyers, GA, 8/9/2016
The elephant helped all of the animals, but at the end, he wasn't watching where he was going and fell into a big pit. The ant got all of his ant friends to help by getting underneath the elephant and carrying him up to the grass. The ant was the only one that said "thank you" to the elephant.