Babar and His Children

Babar and His Children

by Jean de Brunhoff
Hardcover, 48 pages
List Price: $18.99 Sale Price: $16.14
Used Price: $8.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Such joy in Celesteville! Babar and Celeste have had triplets. The smallest, Alexander, has a knack for getting into predicaments. Between getting stuck in the treetops and being chased by a crocodile, he certainly keeps Babar on his toes, but the king readily admits, “Truly it is not easy to bring up a family, but how nice the babies are!” The fifth Babar story is a wonderful and heartwarming salute to parenthood.

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Summary: Babar learns the joys and trials of parenthood when Celeste gives birth to triplets.

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  Babar's Adventures With His Children
Peter of Wisconsin, 8/26/2016
This story tells about Babar's children and what they did. Babar and Celeste name their children to Pom getting stuck up in a tree. Pom almost gets eaten by an alligator.