Who is God?

Who is God?

And Can I Really Know Him?

What We Believe Series #1
by David Webb, John Hay
Hardcover, 252 pages
List Price: $52.00 Sale Price: $41.60
Used Price: $32.00 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

Our children are bombarded on a daily basis with competing messages. Every song, movie, book, TV show, blog, and game is full of ideas—ideas about truth, morality, beauty, identity, faith, and more. Not all of these ideas are true. Some are wrong, some are deceptive, and some are outright destructive. It is more important than ever that young children be equipped to discern among competing ideas and stand in the truth. This is why Apologia has teamed with Summit Ministries to bring you the "What We Believe" Series, a planned 4-volume series meant to teach your child the essential beliefs of the Christian faith. With this student-directed, Bible-based curriculum, your children will learn how to use Scripture as a lens through which to view the world around them—to see everything the way God sees it—and know the truth.

The first-of-its-kind family-inclusive study of biblical worldview introduces young people, ages 6-14, to the basic truths of the Christian faith.In volume one, students will meet our loving God who longs for us to know Him and spend time with Him. Through engaging stories andfun activities, they will come to know and trust God, building an unshakable faith that will last a lifetime.

With its emphasis on thoughtful notebooking assignments and Bible interaction, this multi-grade curriculum is easy touse for the whole family. Written to the student, each lesson is presented in a conversational style that makes the study of God's Word exciting and memorable for children of all ages.

Who is God and Can I Really Know Him?, introduces the concept of worldview while laying the foundational truths upon which the evangelical Christian worldview is built: God is truth and He reveals His truth to people; He is the one true and almighty God; He is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; He created everything; we are God's children and are made to love and to praise Him; God meets all our needs; sin keeps us from God; and Jesus is the only way to God.

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