Well of Lost Plots

Well of Lost Plots

Thursday Next Book 3
by Jasper Fforde
Publisher: Penguin Putnam
Trade Paperback, 375 pages
List Price: $17.00 Sale Price: $14.45

Thursday Next has made too many enemies to live comfortably in Swindon anymore, especially while three months pregnant with the child of her eradicated husband, Landen Parke-Laine. She decides to move to the book world until she can figure out how to get her husband back, taking up residence in the backstory of a small unpublished novel buried deep in the Well of Lost Plots.

To pass the time she takes up the offer to become a Jurisfiction agent. But Jurisfiction is not the cushiest of jobs, and as Thursday begins to explore the seedy underbelly of the Well of Lost Plots she realizes that she has a lot to learn—and fast, for a serial killer is stalking the book world, and Thursday may be next.

On top of that, the release of the newest book operating system, UltraWord, may threaten reading as we know it. And lastly, as if she needed another distraction, a vicious mindworm (a present from an old enemy) has taken over Thursday's mind and is starting to erase all of her memories of Landen.

It's just another day in the life of Jurisfiction agent Thursday Next. Shifting focus primarily to the book world, this installment adds even more depth to the inner workings of the world inside fiction, all while casually introducing even more of your favorite literary characters.

Jasper Fforde has a blast exploring what would happen if all the famous literary characters in fiction had roughly the same reputations as they do in the real world. Possibly the best part of the book is when Thursday and Miss Havisham moderate a Wuthering Heights Rage Counseling Session, in which the characters get a chance to air their grievances against Heathcliff.

But he also explores the modern demand for instant entertainment. Our cultural laziness and our increasingly short attention spans mean that some of the greatest literature in history is going unread. By giving us small glimpses into their worlds (and by sharing in jokes with those readers who are more well-read) Jasper Fforde tempts readers into trying out those books that are classics for a reason.

Review by Lauren Shearer
Lauren Shearer writes words for fun and profit. She also makes films, but everyone knows you can't make a profit doing that. Her other hobby is consistently volunteering way too much of her time. You can read more of her reviews here.

Review by Lauren Shearer
Lauren Shearer writes words for fun and profit. She also makes films, but everyone knows you can't make a profit doing that. Her other hobby is consistently volunteering way too much of her time. You can read more of her reviews here.
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Exodus Rating
Flaws Fighting/violence, Language, Sexual
Summary: Thursday Next, jurisfiction agent, explores the seedy underbelly of the Bookworld.

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