Usborne Very First Reading - Boxed Set

Usborne Very First Reading - Boxed Set

Publisher: Usborne
Current Retail Price: $69.99
Used Price: $28.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Reading is both the key to success at school and the source of a lifetime's pleasure. Usborne Very First Reading is an inspiring series of 15 books designed to help your child learn to read with confidence and enthusiasm. The box also includes a parent's guide that explains their reading philosophy and offers additional help.

Boxed Set of 15 Books:

  1. Pirate Pat
  2. The Dressing-Up Box
  3. A Bus for Miss Moss
  4. Dog Diary
  5. Grizzly Bear Rock
  6. The Queen Makes a Scene
  7. Stop that Cow!
  8. Moon Zoom
  9. Run, Rabbit, Run!
  10. Late Night at the Zoo
  11. Wild School
  12. Circus Under the Sea
  13. Monster Diner
  14. Knight Fight
  15. Mr. Mystery
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