Two Uncles of Pablo

Two Uncles of Pablo

by Harry Behn, Mel Silverman (illustrator)
©1959, Item: 90729
Hardcover, 96 pages
Used Price: $4.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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When Pablo goes to the village to learn to read he finds that he has two uncles, one a happy rascal whose schemes fade away like smoke and the other, a wealthy poet withdrawn from the world.


Pablo has lived all nine years of his life on a small farm in the mountains of Mexico, a long way from even a village. He has seldom seen anyone except his gentle parents; the few farm animals are his only friends.

When his Uncle Silván comes to deliver a letter, which no one can read, Pablo returns with him to the town of San Miguel to learn how to read. The boy understands this irresponsible, happy rascal of an uncle whose plans and schemes always fade away like smoke, but in the town he meets another, very different uncle. Wealthy and a poet, Don Francisco has withdrawn into a secluded world in which there is no real place for a boy. What happens then makes an affectionate and memorable story, rich in humor and wisdom.

Mr. Behn brings to his first prose narrative a poet's sure touch, giving vivid life to the colorful Mexican scene and to a small boy whose dignity, simplicity, and resourcefulness will win him a host of friends.

from the dust jacket

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