Tanglewoods' Secret

Tanglewoods' Secret

by Patricia Mary St. John, Mary Mills (Editor), Gary Rees (Illustrator)
Publisher: Moody Press
2nd Edition, ©1948, ISBN: 9780802465764
Trade Paperback, 167 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64

In a struggle to learn to overcome her fiery temper and selfish spirit, Ruth is led to the discovery of a very important Shepherd who can and does teach her (and others) how to be good. The story contains beautiful and uplifting examples of what can happen when we let ourselves be found by Him.

Since their publication over fifty years ago, Patricia St. John's classics Treasures of the Snow and The Tanglewoods' Secret have been adapted in this recent edition for a new generation of children.

Revised by Mary Mills.

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Summary: A realistic tale of the power of Christian conversion and sanctification as a young girl learns to curb both her bitterness and her wild temper.

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  A Good Change
Crystal, 8/20/2016
Tanglewoods’ Secret teaches good principles. It teaches you to have hope and to help others. That is also the reason I like it. I enjoyed the friendship between the two siblings and the relationships the two had with other people. I also like how much the girl wanted to change and get better. I like this book because it reminds you that you should not give up hope and to remember that you can change.