Sing Down the Moon

Sing Down the Moon

by Scott O'Dell
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
©1970, Item: 35232
Hardcover, 137 pages
Used Price: $7.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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One lovely spring day, fourteen-year-old Bright Morning and her friend Running Bird take their sheep to pasture. The sky is clear blue against the red buttes of the Canyon de Chelly, and the fields and orchards of the Navahos promise a rich harvest. Bright Morning is happy as she gazes across the beautiful valley that is the home of her tribe. Happy until the barking of Black Dog disturbs her and she turns. It is then that she sees the Spanish slavers riding straight toward her.

This is the poignantly moving first-person story of a fourteen-year-old Navajo girl, who took the long walk when her tribe was forced out of Arizona and sent to New Mexico during the 1860s.

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