Shepherd Leader at Home

Shepherd Leader at Home

Knowing, Leading, Protecting, and Providing for Your Family

by Timothy Z. Witmer
Publisher: Crossway Books
Trade Paperback, 176 pages
Price: $12.99

Tim Witmer concludes each chapter with a list of questions for self-examination. Why? Because The Shepherd Leader at Home is a practical book. It's also biblically founded—Witmer cites Scripture in context and often. Unlike many books on male leadership in the home, this one doesn't get bogged down with conceptual ramblings.

Witmer presents four essential foundations for godly home life: a shepherd at home must know, lead, protect, and provide for his family. There's a section for each of these points comprised of2-3 chapters. Chapters deal with the main concept in relation to one's wife and children, and in a temporal and spiritual context.

There's a sense of urgency here. Witmer assures us that life is short, and the window of opportunity to reach and mold our children is narrow. He also asserts that any Christian man can lead his family through the grace of Jesus Christ and power of the Holy Spirit. This book shouldn't replace Bible study, but it is an excellent practical guide for tending your family as Jesus tends His church.

At a time when the family seems like the shoddy remnant of a lost era, it's essential that Christian men understand and pursue their responsibility as leaders at home. Witmer is balanced (there are chapters on both material and spiritual provision, for instance), but he's also tirelessly biblical, and his exhortation is one all Christian husbands and fathers must take seriously.

Review by C. Hollis Crossman
C. Hollis Crossman used to be a child. Now he's a husband and father who loves church, good food, and weird stuff. He might be a mythical creature, but he's definitely not a centaur. Read more of his reviews here.
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Summary Witmer identifies the four necessary foundations of male leadership at home, and how to pursue them.

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