Secret Mission

Secret Mission

A Huguenot's Dangerous Adventures in the Land of Persecution

Huguenot Inheritance Series #2
by A. Van der Jagt
Trade Paperback, 187 pages
List Price: $13.95 Sale Price: $11.86
Used Price: $7.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: France, 17th Century

John, the hero of this historical fiction, is a Huguenot teenager who has escaped the vicious persecution in France by fleeing to The Netherlands. He now returns to the dreaded country with a secret mission from the Dutch government.

During his journey through France, he encounters one precarious situation after another as he attempts to fulfill his own personal mission of liberating his beloved father.

Many historical facts about the suffering Protestant church in France are interwoven throughout the easily read novel. Although The Secret Mission is the sequel to The Escape, written by the same author, it can be read independently.

The book was purposely written for Christian teenagers to encourage them to say 'NO' to their peers who try to pressure them to use drugs, watch evil movies, and commit other such sins. The story shows that the life of young Christians was even more difficult in the past than today, but that in those times many had the courage to stand up for Christ and refuse to give in to the temptations of the world.

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