Robin Hood of Sherwood Forest

Robin Hood of Sherwood Forest

by Ann McGovern
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
Current Retail Price: $4.50
Used Price: $2.00 (3 in stock) Condition Policy

Relates the famous legend of Robin Hood who, with his brave companions, fought against injustice in twelfth-century England.



  1. How Robin Hood Comes to Sherwood Forest
  2. How Robin Hood Meets Little John
  3. How Robin Hood Turns Butcher
  4. How Little John Becomes the Sheriff's Servant
  5. How the Sheriff Comes to Sherwood Forest
  6. How the Sheriff Tries to Get Revenge
  7. How Robin Hood Meets Friar Tuck
  8. How Robin Hood Saves a Wedding
  9. How Robin Hood Shoots for the Queen and Wins a Bride
  10. How Robin Hood is Pardoned


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