Requiem for Love

Requiem for Love

by Dr. Calvin Miller (Author)
Publisher: Word Publishing
Hardcover, 152 pages
Used Price: $5.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

A Requiem for Love is a dramatic work in the tradition of Milton's Paradise Lost and J. R. R. Tolkien's Ring Triology. It is a work which chronicles the death of innocence and the birth of a passionate and powerful love that survives for time and eternity. With A Requiem for Love, the first release of the new Symphony Triology, Calvin Miller displays the strength of his voice and the clarity of his vision. This is Miller at his best.


Calvin Miller's new book is a story of fallen love, of impossible dreams and ancient longings, of frustrated ambition and a love so strong that it endures forever.

The terse, often startling narrative of this book continues in the tradition of Miller's perennially popular "Singer" trilogy, and introduces his new "Symphony" trilogy which will include two later volumes, An Overture of Light and A Symphony in Sand. It will remind the reader of such classics as Milton's Paradise Lost and Tolkien's Ring trilogy.

Rich descriptive passages and sharply drawn epigrams fill the pages of this beautiful volume:

Love smiles. Hate grins.

The greatest sin Is calling love, hate. The second greatest sin Is calling servanthood, ambition.

Beware of mirrors.

They lead us not to see ourselves But love ourselves...

Unbridled lust: A cannibal committing suicide By nibbling on himself.

Hate is born When men call evil good.

The moth that trusts the candle's fire Is willing martyr to her own desire.

The Illicit Does not exhilarate. It but indicts.

Every baby comes as evidence That God still dreams of Eden.

Miller's "Symphony" trilogy dips the rebellion in heaven into the lore of middle earth, producing a fresh tale of creation and a new telling of the genesis of the human story. His poetic pen plays off the images of light and darkness, of the power of love and the love of power, as he sketches the gift of choice from the Creator to the created. A Requiem for Love is an unforgettable adventure that will provoke a new generation of readers to thought and action.

Jacket design and illustration by T. M. Williams

from the dust jacket

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