Ramsay Scallop

Ramsay Scallop

by Frances Temple
Publisher: HarperTrophy
Trade Paperback, 320 pages
Current Retail Price: $7.99
Used Price: $3.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: England, 14th Century (1299)

The year is 1299. Fourteen year-old Elenor reluctantly awaits the return of her betrothed—a man she hardly knows—from the Crusade. Thomas, broken and disillusioned from years of fighting, finds the very idea of marriage and lordship overwhelming. So when the village priest sends them on religious pilgrimage before the marriage, both are relieved. The journey means a postponement of the dreaded nuptials, and a last chance for adventure.

As Elenor and Thomas wend their way toward the shrine of St. James, they meet many other pilgrims—each with their own extraordinary tales to tell and ideas to share. There is Etienne, a passionate student of philosophy; Brother Ambrose, gentle teacher of schoolboys; practical Marthe, eager for a decent life for her children. And gradually Elenor and Thomas come to realize the glorious possibilities of the world around them... and within each other.

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