Princess Adelina

Princess Adelina

An Ancient Christian Tale of Beauty and Bravery

by Julie Sutter (reteller)
Publisher: Vision Forum
Hardcover, 211 pages
Current Retail Price: $18.00
Used Price: $9.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: Germany, 703 A.D.

From across the ages—thirteen centuries ago, when the fearless Scottish and Irish missionary bands are sent out from the Isle of Iona—comes the story of a virtuous young woman of unshakeable faith, filled with determination to fulfill the role to which God has called her. She finds herself whisked away from a simple life to become the queen of a kingdom where she wrestles with temptations from her past and faces down enemies intent on her demise.

Adelina, a Christian maiden living a quiet life as a missionary's daughter in eighth-century Germany, resides in the rugged frontier state known as Thuringia. When the young pagan ruler, Hedan, falls in love with her and commands that she will be his bride, she faces a seemingly impossible situation, knowing that her only hope is her trust in Christ who works all things for good. Her burden is lightened when, as a wedding gift to his new bride, Hedan promises to allow the Christians to worship and evangelize freely, spreading the Gospel among his people.

Based on a true story, this Esther-like tale recounts the deeds of the courageous Adelina of the ancient German Culdee church as she endures and overcomes persecution, slander, exile, and the impending destruction of her people. In the end, she is used by God to see the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ shine forth and prevail.

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HappyHomemaker of OR, 12/31/2011
This book was fun to read, it the writing style caught me off guard. So, just so you are forewarned: The characters speech is very beautiful, but old, so it sometimes takes a little thought to figure out what they mean.
That said, this is a true tale about a young woman who truly lived her faith even when faced with enemies who wanted her life.