Peterson First Guide to Birds of North America

Peterson First Guide to Birds of North America

The concise field guide to 188 common birds of North America

by Roger Tory Peterson
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
2nd Edition, ©1998, ISBN: 9780395906668
Trade Paperback, 128 pages
Current Retail Price: $9.99
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Written by the "father of modern bird watching," this easy-to-use First Guide is the perfect thing for elementary grades to learn how to identify birds. It focuses on 20 North American birds you are most likely to see in your backyard, no matter where you live. With illustrations and information on size, shape, color, and markings, as well as call, habits, and habitat, this book is a classic in its field.

Just seeing a bird is wonderful, but in order to remember its coloring and markings, the best thing for the elementary student is to think about it a bit, which is what the accompanying color-in book accomplishes. Accompanied by facts about each bird, students will learn as they color.

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