Outdoor Handy Book

Outdoor Handy Book

For Playground, Field, and Forest

by Daniel Carter Beard
Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing
Trade Paperback, 496 pages
Current Retail Price: $12.95
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A throwback book of activities that don’t involve screens from the founder of the Sons of Daniel Boone, the precursor to the Boy Scouts of America.

“Ingenuity and self-reliance are valuable qualities,” writes famed outdoorsman Daniel Carter Beard. And what better way to foster them than by working—or playing—with your hands? For parents who want to build the model ships (or real boats!) they never knew how to construct, and kids who want to make the ultimate snow fort, The Outdoor Handy Book is a perfect compendium of wisdom and mischief. In its pages are directions for flying paper dragons, stilt-walking, playing dozens of ball games, building doghouses, capturing butterflies and frogs, and much more.

Fully illustrated, and replete with notes to make sure that your fun is varied, continuous, and instructional in every season of the year, The Outdoor Handy Book is great all-ages activities resource, whether you’re at the workbench or communing with nature.

“A delightful read regardless of your station, comportment or gender. The pursuits described therein are thought provoking in their very nature and most fascinating when viewed through an historical lens.” —Guns Magazine

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