On Man in the Universe

On Man in the Universe

by Aristotle, Louise Ropes Loomis (Editor and Introduction), John Henry MacMahon (Translator of Metaphysics), 4 othersWilliam Ogle (Translator of Parts of Animals), James E. C. Welldon (Translator of Nicomachean Ethics), Benjamin Jowett (Translator of Politics), Samuel Henry Butcher (Translator of Poetics)
©1971, Item: 86149
Hardcover, 441 pages
Used Price: $3.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

This compendium contains selections from five works by Aristotle:

  • Metaphysics - based on the translation of John Henry MacMahon
  • Parts of Animals - based on the translation of William Ogle
  • Nicomachean Ethics - based on the translation of James E. C. Welldon
  • Politics - based on the translation of Benjamin Jowett
  • Poetics - based on the translation of Samuel Henry Butcher

The editor has revised the translations to make them clear to the modern reader and attempted to keep the main arguments of each work intact.

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