Man of the Monitor

Man of the Monitor

The Story of John Ericsson

by Jean Lee Latham
Publisher: Harper & Row
©1962, Item: 93134
Hardcover, 231 pages
Not in stock

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"Jean Lee Latham's novelized biographies have (with one exception) dealt with the lives of seamen, or of men interested in marine affairs. They have all been exciting, readable, and informative, especially convincing in dealing with navigation," wrote the New York Herald Tribune of one of Miss Latham's recent books. 

John Ericsson, Swedish-American engineer, created a staggering total of almost 2,000 inventions. He is best known for his Monitor, which has been called "the most original design in the history of naval architecture." 

In the famous battle of the Monitor and the Merrimac, Ericsson's "cheesebox on a raft" saved the day for the Union forces at a critical moment in the Civil War.

Miss Latham tells the story of Ericsson's stormy life with vigor, authority, and excitement. 

—from the dust jacket

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