Magic School Bus Inside the Earth

Magic School Bus Inside the Earth

by Joanna Cole
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
Reprint, ©1987, ISBN: 9780590407601
Trade Paperback, 40 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64
Used Price: $2.80 (2 in stock) Condition Policy
Customer Reviews
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  More Magic School Bus Coolness
Sincerelyornot of Oregon, 10/19/2011
Topic: geology, and the only reason it gets four stars is the evolutionary billions-of-years-mantra.

Illustrations: not as good as the real deal actually, but very close: geology is such a beautiful science.

Age appropriate: for basically anyone, but ideal for reading on your own. Lots of little jokes and side notes around the page.

my experience: I loved these as a kid. I actually looked up one of these in college for a paper because I found the topic boring and wanted an entertaining way to cement it in my head before a test.