Lone Muskrat

Lone Muskrat

by Glen Rounds
Publisher: Holiday House
©1953, Item: 88355
Hardcover, 124 pages
Used Price: $4.80 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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After a forest fire drove the Old Muskrat from his home colony he made a new home for himself in another pond far away.

Here we watch him dig a snug new burrow and make ready for winter. We watch him put up a fight against eagle and coyote; we see him outwit weasel and wild cat. Admiringly we follow the wise old fellow as he braves each danger, seeking his food and exploring his dim watery world under the ice. And we won't wish to leave him until we've read his whole plucky story to the end.

Glen Rounds understands this familiar but little-known animal of the wilds just as he knows the heart of a ranch horse in The Blind Colt and Stolen Pony. Readers everywhere like his plain-spoken way of making words and pictures give the story, without frills and fumbles, straight from Nature.

—from the dust jacket

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