Little Minister

Little Minister

World Juvenile Library
by J. M. Barrie
Publisher: Books, Inc.
Item: 88065
Hardcover, 250 pages
Used Price: $5.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Published in 1891 and dramatized in 1897, The Little Minister is an unforgettable and perennially popular love story by J.M. Barrie (author of Peter Pan). Set in Thrums, a Scottish weaving village based on Barrie’s birthplace, the novel tells of a young impoverished minister named Gavin Dishart and his first congregation at Auld Licht kirk. The weavers he serves soon riot in protest against reductions in their wages and harsh working conditions.

Warned by Babbie, a beautiful and mysterious Gypsy, that Lord Rintoul, the local laird, has summoned the militia, the weavers prepare for a fight. During the ensuing melee, Dishart rescues Babbie from the soldiers. Dishart and Babbie fall in love, he never suspecting that she is really a well-born lady who is unwillingly betrothed to the old Lord Rintoul. After many trials, the two live happily ever after.

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