Life and Diary of David Brainerd

Life and Diary of David Brainerd

by David Brainerd, Jonathan Edwards (Editor), Philip E. Howard Jr.
Publisher: Baker Books
Trade Paperback, 384 pages
List Price: $17.00 Sale Price: $14.45
Used Price: $7.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: North America, 1718-1747 A.D.

A remarkable story of genuine piety, in heart and in practice, here is the autobiographical account of a courageous preacher who daily "walked with God," and who also mourned when the light of God's countenance was dimmed or absent.

Taken from Jonathan Edwards' edited versions of Brainerd's Diary and Journal, this compilation makes available a fairly complete record of the self-denying life and strenuous labors of David Brainerd as he presented the gospel to American Indians.

Preceding the Brainerd accounts is a brief but revealing biographical sketch of Jonathan Edwards by Philip Howard.

  • David Brainerd (1718-1747) was an early American missionary whose selfless life of prayer and devotion continues to inspire Christians today.
  • Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) was an American Puritan theologian, preacher, and prolific author.
  • Philip E. Howard, Jr. (1898-1963) was for nearly thirty-three years associated with the Sunday School Times.
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