Legends of the United Nations

Legends of the United Nations

by Frances Frost, Karl M. Shultheiss (Illustrator)
Publisher: Whittlesey House
©1943, Item: 91672
Hardcover, 323 pages
Used Price: $14.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

The books in this section are usually hardcover and in decent shape, though we'll sometimes offer hard-to-find books in lesser condition at a reduced price. Though we often put images of the book with their original dust jackets, the copies here won't always (or even often) have them. If that is important to you, please call ahead or say so in the order comments! 

From the dust jacket:

The favorite stories told to boys and girls in England, Russia, China, our own country, and in all the other countries of the United Nations are included in this entertaining book. Among the stories you'll find a ludicrous tale from Poland about Mr. Whirlwind, Shoemaker, the exciting Czechoslovakian story about The Devil's Little Brother-in-Law, Belgium's Sugar-Candy House, and our American Johnny Appleseed.

In a charming manner, Frances Frost the well-known American poet and novelist, retells these famous folk tales as they have been handed down from generation to generation.

These beautiful and strange tales of each country show the courage, imagination, and basic faith of the nations now united in the high purpose of defending and maintaining freedom, whether they be Asiatic or Anglo-Saxon, Nordic or Greek.

This is a book not only of the past but of tomorrow, for these stories will be told while there are children upon the earth.

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