Legends of Paul Bunyan

Legends of Paul Bunyan

by Roberta Strauss Feuerlicht, Kurt Werth (Illustrator)
Publisher: Crowell-Collier
©1967, Item: 91718
Hardcover, 128 pages
Used Price: $11.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

From the dust jacket:

An hour after Paul Bunyan was born he weighed fifty pounds. Within a few days he was too big to sleep in his parents' farmhouse, so they put him to bed outdoors. One night he was restless and rolled over, flattening forty acres of timber. By the time Paul started school his size was a real problem. He needed four desks and his head stuck up the chimney. Just to write his name Paul had to put five copybooks together, and even then the teacher would see only part of each letter and mark him wrong. Before long he was just too big to go to school. But there was not a job in the world big enough for Paul Bunyan, so he had to invent one. That is how the logging industry began, as well as a great many other things we take for granted today. For instance, it was Paul who invented the aurora borealis so his night logging crews would have light to work by. He invented the Rocky Mountains to prevent the winds that swept across the central plains from blowing all the soil away. He had to invent the Great Lakes just so Babe the Blue Ox would have enough drinking water.

No one ever knew how tall Paul was because there was nothing big enough to measure him against, but they say he used young fir trees to comb his beard. Paul had a great sense of humor, too. He could tell when a joke was coming and laugh when it was still ten miles away.

The stories about Paul Bunyan have been growing and changing ever since they were first told over a hundred years ago, and it would not be too surprising to discover him as the hero of space-age legends at some point in the future. But they would lack reality. If Paul really had wanted a close look at the moon he could have reached up and plucked it out of the sky. He was that big!

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