King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table

King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table

Illustrated Junior Library Series 1
by Sidney Lanier, Sir Thomas Malory, Florian (Illustrator)
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
©1978, Item: 72263
Hardcover, 282 pages
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From Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, edited by Sidney Lanier and illustrated by Florian.

One of the great adventure stories of all tame, Sir Thomas Malory's epic tale of Arthur the hero king, and his valiant comrades, will ever hold young readers spellbound. In Sidney Lanier's distinguished version, which follows Malory closely and has been edited only for easier reading. King Arthur and his knights emerge from the legends of early England as real and living persons. How young Arthur proves his birthright of royalty before all the lords of England: how he finds the famous sword Excalibur: the coming of Sir Galahad, which completes the Round Table's full complement and Launches the Quest of the Holy Grail: the adventures of Sir Tristram and the beautiful Isolde: Sir Launcelot, greatest swordsman and finest knight of all, and how his lifelong championship of Queen Guenever finally plunges all England into war—here, for boys and girls alike, are great, exciting stories of individual achievement, heightened and dramatized by striking illustrations drawn by Florian, exclusively for the ILLUSTRATED JUNIOR LIBRARY.

from the dust jacket of the popular edition

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