Journey to Jo'Burg

Journey to Jo'Burg

A South African Story

by Beverley Naidoo
Publisher: HarperCollins
Mass market paperback, 80 pages
List Price: $6.99 Sale Price: $5.94
Used Price: $2.80 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

Mma lives and works in Johannesburg, far from the village thirteen-year-old Naledi and her younger brother, Tiro, call home. When their baby sister suddenly becomes very sick, Naledi and Tiro know, deep down, that only one person can save her. Bravely, alone, they set off on a journey to find Mma and bring her back. It isn't until they reach the city that they come to understand the dangers of their country, and the painful struggle for freedom and dignity that is taking place all around them.

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