Journey to America

Journey to America

by Sonia Levitin, Charles Robinson (Illustrator)
Publisher: Atheneum
©1970, Item: 61669
Hardcover, 150 pages
Used Price: $4.80 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Papa was going away. It was the only wise thing to do, people said; the Jews were not safe in Hitler's Germany. Not everyone agreed, but Papa did. So he was going to America. And later when he could, he would send for all of them, for Lisa and her sisters, Ruth and Annie, and for Mama.

It was lonely after Papa left, but things did not get really bad until Papa wrote and said they must all go to Switzerland to wait. This meant leaving behind all of the people they loved, all the familiar things they knew, all their favorite possessions. And when they got to Switzerland they had little money, no decent place to stay, and no friends.

Even in the face of a life and death crisis, it takes a special kind of courage to leave everything, to face poverty, and to begin again in wholly new surroundings. The story of Lisa Platt and her family shows what that kind of courage is like; and although the story is fiction, the courage and the events that display it were all too real for many families in the late 1930's.

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