John Calvin

John Calvin

Christian Biographies for Young Readers
by Simonetta Carr, Matt Abraxas (Illustrator)
1st Edition, ©2010, ISBN: 9781601780553
Hardcover, 64 pages
Price: $18.00
Used Price: $10.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

In this attractive, colorfully illustrated volume, skilled artist and author Simonetta Carr introduces young readers to the life, thought, and work of one of the most famous Reformers of the Christian church. She tells about the life of John Calvin, showing his amazing achievements, within the troubled context of the 16th century.

She also introduces Calvin's writings in a way that children will desire to know more about his ministry and influence. Readers will come to know Calvin's personality, his devotion to God and the church, and the personal challenges he faced. They will understand the struggles the early Reformed church faced at that time, not only surviving attacks of the Roman Catholic Church, but also achieving a clear identity and a unified doctrine.

Readers will also have a glimpse of life in sixteenth-century Europe, stricken by pestilence, poverty, and wars. Simply written, and full of interesting facts, this book makes a great gift for children of this rich Reformed heritage.


"The parents of four ourselves, my wife and I are eager to learn of new materials we can use and recommend. This is surely a resource that we would noise abroad. A translator of Reformed materials into Italian as well as a teacher, Simonetta is remarkably gifted. She knows the history and theology of the Reformation well, yet also knows how to translate it for our children. The Reformed community really needs this kind of edifying literature for our covenant youth."—Michael Horton
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Summary: John Calvin's life, as well as his most important ideas, written to be understandable by younger readers.

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  John Calvin
Ruthi of Oregon, 8/31/2016
John Calvin was born on July 10th, 1509 in the northeren part of France. He became a pastor of a French speaking congregation in Strasbourg. Calvin argued for Church discipline, but the Geneva Church sent him and his friend away. His friend, William Farrel, was also a preacher. The Roman Catholic Cardinal had written a letter to the town of Geneva, telling them to return to the Catholic Church. Since it was hard to understand, they asked Calvin for help. Calvin answered right away saying they worshipped from the Bible not the traditions of man. The Church of Geneva decided that sending Calvin away was a mistake, so they invited him back. He came back and started to preach at the same text he had left off more than three years ago. On February 6, 1564 Calvin preached his last sermon. He was so weak, he finished half the sermon but stayed so he could hear his friend, Theodore Beza, preach the rest of the sermon.Calvin died on the evening of May 27, 1564.
  John Calvin
Ian Poch of Apple Valley, MN, 8/31/2016
John Calvin was a good pastor who was brave and not afraid of what others thought of him. He decided to not be a Catholic, and had a good wife named Idelette. I am glad to understand more about great leaders that lived before me.