Jeff Harlow's Articles
Jeffry S. Harlow (MMTS, Whitefield Theological Seminary) and his wife, Lori (married 29 years) live in Ames, Iowa and have two adult, god-fearing children, Cassandra (age 27 and married to Jeremy) and Jordan (age 24). Jeff has served as pastor for 16 years at congregations in Redmond, OR; Pella, IA; Salem, OR; and most recently in Iowa. In addition to assisting in the home education of his two children, he taught high school and Jr. high at two Classical Christian Schools. Jeff and Lori remain passionately committed to advancing the Kingdom of Christ in the local church and in the education of Christian children.
Articles Jeff Harlow has written for ExodusBooks
Marriage & Family
Husbands & Fathers
Sexual Purity
Biblical Parenting
Child Training
Covenant Marriage
Covenant Family
Church Ministry & Service
Preaching the Word
Biblical Culture
Drinking & Wine
Bible Doctrine
Communication & Conflict Resolution
Vision & Vocation
Raising Girls
Raising Boys
Pursuing Holiness
Repentance & Avoiding Sin
Growing Up Christian
Knowing God
Birth Control
Intelligent Design
Bible Maps, Charts, Atlases
Catholocism & Eastern Orthodoxy
Commentaries & Surveys
Biblical Womanhood