Imitation of Christ

Imitation of Christ

Updated Language for the Modern Reader

by Thomas a Kempis
Publisher: Whitaker House
Trade Paperback, 220 pages
Current Retail Price: $16.99
Used Price: $6.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Publisher's Note: This new edition from Whitaker House has been updated for the modern reader. Words, expressions, and sentence structure have been revised for clarity and readability.

One of the best loved books of Christianity, this was written at the end of the Middle Ages, by a man named Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471). The author had a wide knowledge of the Scriptures and classical philosophy, and although he spent most of his life in a Dutch monastery (began by Gerhard Grootë), he also possessed a deep understanding of human nature. His acquired wisdom convinced him of man's complete dependence on God's love and the empty futility of life without it. The book has exercised a profound influence for over 500 years.

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