I Will Maintain

I Will Maintain

William and Mary Trilogy Volume 1
by Marjorie Bowen
Trade Paperback, 383 pages
List Price: $15.95 Sale Price: $13.56
Used Price: $8.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: The Netherlands, 17th Century

The life of William III, Prince of Orange, Stadtholder of the United Netherlands, and King of England is one of the most fascinating in all of history. Both author and publisher of this book had many years of interest in the subject. Even though the story as told in this book is partly fictional, all the main events are faithful to history.

"I challenge all our histories to produce a Prince in all respects his equal; I call the differing humours, interest, and religions of the world to witness whether they ever found a man to centre in, like him. . .

"He might have raised his seat upon his native country's liberty, his very enemies would have supported him in those pretenses; but he affected no honours but were freely offered to him, there or elsewhere. . .

"And his ambition, that was only useful, knew how to wear, as well as how to deserve them."
William Fleetwood, Bishop of St. Asaph

F. Pronk wrote in The Messenger: "The author is well-known for her well-researched fiction based on the lives of famous historical characters. The religious convictions of the main characters are portrayed with authenticity and integrity. This book is sure to enrich one's understanding of Protestant Holland and will hold the reader spell-bound."

D. J. Engelsma wrote in The Standard Bearer: "This is great reading for all ages, high school and older. I Will Maintain is well written historical fiction with a solid, significant, moving historical base . . . No small part of the appeal and worth of the book is the lively account of the important history of one of the world's greatest nations, the Dutch. This history was bound up with the Reformed faith and had implications for the exercise of Protestantism throughout Europe.

"Christian high schools could profitably assign the book, indeed, the whole trilogy, for history or literature classes."

C. Farenhorst wrote in Christian Renewal: "An excellent tool for assimilating historical knowledge without being pained in the process, I Will Maintain is a very good read. Take it along on your holidays. Its sequel Defenders of the Faith, is much looked forward to."

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