Hour Before Dawn

Hour Before Dawn

Hawk and the Dove Series #5
by Penelope Wilcock
Publisher: Lion Publishing
Trade Paperback, 176 pages
List Price: $14.99 Sale Price: $12.74

Historical Setting: 14th century Yorkshire

At St. Alcuin's Monastary Abbot John is in shock after learning of the rape of his sister and the murder of his mother. The refugee Father William is discovering his own vulnerability. As they support their leader and their barely welcome guest, the community of brothers  undertake the task of nurturing the grace of God in their souls, and in each other.

The Hour Before Dawn explores the psychological impact of grief and trauma, and the possibility of healing. Wilcock deftly weaves themes of the resurrection and ascension throughout the story, exploring the process of having survived suffering, but not yet having moved on.

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