Hardy Boys #12 (matte)

Hardy Boys #12 (matte)

Footprints under the Window

by Franklin W. Dixon
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
©1965, Item: 68133
Hardcover, 192 pages
Used Price: $3.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

This revised vintage edition has the white and black picture end pages.

A plot to steal a top-secret instrument vital to the United States space program poses a challenging case for Frank and Joe Hardy. After rescuing a South American stowaway who mutters a warning about “Footprints “ and then vanishes, Frank and Joe discover that documents belonging to their famous detective father are missing and that footprints linger under a window. The young detective’s search for the diabolical mastermind of the “Footprints” spy ring takes them on a flight to a group of islands off the coast of South America.

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