Hardy Boys #08: Mystery of Cabin Island

Hardy Boys #08: Mystery of Cabin Island

by Franklin W. Dixon
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
©1929, Item: 77577
Hardcover, 214 pages
Current Retail Price: $6.99
Used Price: $4.80 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

The young detectives receive a trained peregrine falcon as a gift that involves them in an exciting mystery. Imagine their astonishment when the swift-flying falcon brings down a homing pigeon carrying two precious rubies! Startling events that ensue indicate the gems are a ransom that has been paid for the release of a kidnapped student from India, who had come to the United States to complete his education. But Tava, the son of a wealthy industrialist, is still being held captive. Hoping to find a clue to Tava’s whereabouts, the Hardys try to track down the owner of the ruby-bearing pigeon. Their every move, however, is thwarted by the dangerous criminals not only involved in the kidnapping, but also in the large-scale smuggling of aliens from India to the United States. How Frank and Joe eventually outwit their adversaries climaxes this thrill-packed mystery adventure.

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