Hank the Cowdog #20

Hank the Cowdog #20

Phantom in the Mirror

by John R. Erickson
Publisher: Maverick Books
Trade Paperback, 114 pages
List Price: $6.99 Sale Price: $5.94

Pete warns Hank that a stray dog has invaded the ranch and is lurking inside the machine shed. Naturally, Hank goes to investigate, and sure enough, he finds the Phantom Dog--in an old mirror stored in the machine shed. But then Drover looks into the same mirror and sees a “Handsome Prince.” Holy smokes, it appears that two dogs have invaded the ranch!

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Carson of Oregon, 8/23/2016
I like reading Hank the Cowdog because they are funny. My favorite character is Alfred. The title and picture on the front of the book sometimes give the mystery away. I like reading books that have good suspense and the mystery is revealed at the end.