Gone with the Wind

Gone with the Wind

by Margaret Mitchell
Mass market paperback, 1448 pages
Current Retail Price: $20.99
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Published in 1936, Gone With the Wind sold 50,000 copies on its first day, and two million after a year. Even though it is 1,037 pages long, readers all over the world snatched up the book; by 1937 it was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the movie rights had been sold to David O. Selznick. Mitchell prided herself on the historical accuracy of her work, and—despite its melodramatic plot and somewhat two-dimensional supporting characters—Gone With the Wind is a sweeping account of how the Civil War tore apart an entire way of life, and Scarlett O'Hara is one of the most enduring characters in American fiction.

Sometimes only remembered for the epic motion picture, this was initially just a compelling and entertaining book. This sweeping story of tangled passions and the rare courage of a group of people in Atlanta during the time of Civil War is one of the most beloved American romance novels ever written.

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Exodus Rating:
FLAWS: Fighting/violence, Language, Attitude, Sexual content
Summary: Scarlett O'Hara survives the collapse of everything she knows during the Civil War.

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