Gilgamesh the King

Gilgamesh the King

by Ludmila Zeman
Publisher: Tundra Books (NY)
Trade Paperback, 24 pages
List Price: $8.95 Sale Price: $7.61
Used Price: $4.80 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

The story of Gilgamesh is the world's oldest legend, first carved onto clay tablets in Mesopotamia. Its message of compassion, forgiveness, and friendship has echoed through the ages from its origins over 5000 years ago. This three-book series, retold and brilliantly illustrated by Ludmila Zeman, brings the story to life for young children. Gilgamesh the King is the first book in the trilogy.

Gilgamesh, half-god and half-man, in his loneliness and isolation becomes a cruel tyrant over the citizens of Uruk. To impress them forever he orders a great wall to be built, driving his people to exhaustion and despair so that they cry to the Sun God for help. In answer, another kind of man, Enkidu, is sent to earth to live among the animals and learn kindness from them. He falls in love with Shamhat, a singer from the temple, and he follows her back to Uruk. There, Enkidu, the “uncivilized” beast from the forest, shows the evil Gilgamesh through friendship what it means to be human.

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