General Brock and Niagra Falls

General Brock and Niagra Falls

World Landmark #28
by Samuel Hopkins Adams, Edward Shenton (Illustrator)
Publisher: Random House
©1957, Item: 41215
Hardcover, 178 pages
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When you visit Niagara Falls you will be glad you have read this book. For it tells the story of the important events that took place there nearly 150 years ago, as a result of which the Niagara River and Niagara Falls became boundary lines between the United States and Canada.

The time was during the War of 1812, a crucial period in Canada's history. In charge of the British forces on the heights overlooking the Niagara River was General Isaac Brock, whose steadfast friendship with Tecumseh often made victory over the superior American forces possible. Tecumseh, the great leader of the powerful Shawnee tribes, not only supplied Brock with brave fighters but also with an efficient "intelligence service" that kept him accurately informed of the enemy's strategic moves.

A vigorous story of fighting men and warring Indians, General Brock and Niagara Falls will give any visitor to the Falls a greater appreciation of the colorful history with which they are associated. Also, it serves to make clear why the figure of General Brock can be seen, etched against the sky at the top of a tall monument on the Canadian side of the Niagara River, overlooking the cascading waters of one of the world's greatest spectacles.

From the dust jacket

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