Fireside Stories

Fireside Stories

by Veronica S. Hutchinson, Lois Lenski (Illustrator)
Publisher: Minton, Balch & CO.
©1927, Item: 68015
Library Binding, 150 pages
Not in stock

This volume, uniform in size and style with the Chimney Corner books, contains fifteen stories of proven quality for very little children. Included are several well-known classics, such as "Teeny-Tiny," "The Cat and the Mouse," and "The Hare and the Hedgehog," and many that are not widely familiar, among them "Drakestail," "The Jackal and the Alligator," "The Straw Ox," and "The Hungry Wolf." All of them may be counted on for a sure appeal to their audience. They are gathered together from many sources, and Miss Hutchinson's wide experience with children has enabled her to choose only the best. Miss Lenski's illustrations are full of color and gayety and delicate humor.

"A collection of fifteen folk tales chosen with discrimination and edited with care for little children. Six full page illustrations in color by Lois Lenski and many in black and white."
Booklist (ALA)

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