Elf Dog and Owl Head

Elf Dog and Owl Head

by M. T. Anderson, Junyi Wu (Illustrator)
Publisher: Candlewick Press
List Price: $18.99 Sale Price: $16.14
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A summer spent sharing the family computer with his annoying sisters, trying to tune out his parents' financial worries, and video-calling with his friends. That's what Clay has to look forward to during that first summer of the sickness all over the world. But one day, in the woods, everything changes.

From the moment he sees the peculiar young dog with the fancy collar, Clay knows there's something special about her. There are other things in the woods, too—beautiful, ancient things, tucked in the invisible folds of the forest, where reality ripples and other worlds can be glimpsed. But as Clay and his mysterious dog explore day after day, Clay comes to realize that the woods also hold secrets and traps and things to be scared of. If he's not careful, Clay might just step off the path and never find his way back.

From National Book Award winner and acclaimed author M. T. Anderson comes this classic adventure story, gorgeously illustrated with Junyi Wu's stark, evocative art. Richly imaginative and brimming with emotion, Elf Dog and Owl Head reminds us that we never know what's just around the next bend in the forest path.

from the dust jacket

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