Written over three hundred years ago from a prison cell, John Bunyan's allegorical dream of Pilgrim's journey to the Celestial City has been read and studied and loved by millions. Its style is classic; its beauty timeless; its message eternal.
We have long felt that we should offer a quality edition of Pilgrim's Progress, but all the versions we have considered up till now have somehow fell short. They were too expensive; they were not of the quality we wanted. They just didn't strike our fancy. But this did. It was recommended to us by Jan Bloom, and we realized immediately that at long last, we had our answer. This volume, a reprint of an 1891 edition by Charles Foster Publishing, is lovely—a work of art. It contains Parts I & II (the journeys of both Christian and Christiana), is beautifully bound and smythe-sewn (so it shouldn't fall apart), and is profusely illustrated with 170 excellent illustrations. It also features a short biography of John Bunyan. If you love beautiful books, this is one you have to see.
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